New skip?
2 years ago

Idk if I can test this since I have to go to work and I wasn't recording, but I think I found a skip

I was playing voke and I was on the last enemy room before the boss, accidentally fell into the pit and it spawned me into the boss room with the room half loaded and the cutscene playing. I had killed the first 2 waves of enemies before i fell in. Was able to finish the boss and level normally though it never fully loaded

Unfortunately dont have time to test anymore today

United States

I actually got this today in a run!

Thanks to your info, i got the skip first try, it's really easy to do. Went 0:04:11 on Voke

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago

Tested it for a little bit, its incredibly easy to do. You only have to dash into the wall at a certain point to trigger it, don't have to kill any enemies at all. Seems to have a huge hitbox too and I got it 5 times in a row without fail

I went 3:51 on Voke, i think we can get a 3:30 when we'll know exactly differents spawns

I have been trying yesterday to abuse this bug on every map, it's really easy to setup but there is little to no corner where we can abuse this one. Went 1:30 on Voke and still trying to find some on the other maps, I think it could become the main glitch of this run, nice one ToxiFury !

@ToxiFury, did they fix that corner glitch? Seems like it cant be reproduced anymore.

New South Wales, Australia

@duckyhs The most recent update seems to have patched most skips, haven't checked this one specifically but other skips seem to have been patched too. :(