Hi all,
I have twice now encountered instances where the game runs at a significantly increased speed:
I'm unsure of if this is a hardware glitch, an error with the timing fix used to run the game, or something similar, or if it is a genuine bug/glitch that can be replicated and exploited.
I have no idea what caused this to take place - both times, it occurred from just loading into a mission as per normal, with nothing to suggest there was anything out of the ordinary.
My current thinking is that a run should not include this increased speed, unless it can be explained, understood and replicated. I don't think it would be good to have runs determined something completely beyond the runners control. (Please keep in mind that standard rules apply, externally modifying the game is not permitted - everything must take place in game).
Of course this is open for discussion, posting here for transparency and awareness. Thanks all, ~FG
Pretty sure it's a framerate thing. ik the game runs super fast for me if I don't have rivatuner on