Misc Information
Misc Information
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: Rafael

#How to build a Nether Portal Created by @Sineapple

#How To Build a Nether Portal Without a Bucket Created by @SprinkzMC Original description: It's possible and actually pretty easy to build a Nether Portal without a bucket. You can do it in any mega ravine with overlapping water and lava. This works on any version.

Materials Needed:

2 Buttons 3 Doors 1 Plank (not Warped/Crimson) 6 sand 9 dirt


#Ruined Portals Guide Created by @SprinkzMC Original Description: A guide to ruined portals that I coded: https://ruined-portals.glitch.me/

It has a lot of info and is made for beginners. It includes all 13 ruined portal types, including gold block/chest locations for each one. Check it out, I guess.

#Shadowfi's End Practice Map end practice map for bedrock and it works similarly to java (with a few changes) (notes: do not break the tile in portal) (put your simulation distance as high as you can) http://www.mediafire.com/file/1jca1ansqfx69fz/shadowfis_end_practice_map.zip/file

#Bastion Practice Map made by @arvin: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697907915121623142/818295133140942868/arvins_bastion_practice_map.mcworld

New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

6 months ago