Sodium ain't helping
4 years ago

So i get that Optifine is not allowed for 1.16 and that I can use Sodium instead, but like Sodium makes the game as bad as if I didn't have Optifine so is there any way I could like increase my fps while still on Sodium. Also Sodium is supposed to be good for potato PCs (i think) so it's not doing a very good job.


Get all the JellySquid mods: Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor It might help having all of these running at this same time

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

you can use a combination of mods like lithium and phosphor they increase your fps significantly

Maccysundae これを好き

Try turning on V-Sync, I had issues with sodium but after turning it on I get 0 frame drops. It comes with a cost of input lag tho.

United Arab Emirates

my potato pc runs minecraft 80fps with optifine with sodium 60 i havent tested with all three i came here for fps boosts without them it runs at 12-24


Mine went from 60 - 70 up to 250 with ONLY sodium on my old computer, so it defiently varies a lot

spidernh これを好き

With only sodium mine has like 70 fps but with all sodium lithium and phosphor i get like 115 fps average

MinecraftGaming これを好き
United Kingdom

mine went from 5-30 (very bad pc) the reason optifine runs better is because the change in mob spawns and the mass amounts of options you can use like turning off particles really helps Minecraft run better but sodium try's to run the most basic vanilla Minecraft but still somehow boost the framerate (I'm not knowledgeable enough to know how)

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

What's the difference between sodium, lithium, and phosphor? I think phosphor makes chunks load faster and I think I've heard sodium just does multithreading, but what about lithium?

btw FPS isn't this grand thing that you need incredibly high numbers of to play the game well. in reality its a spec, and rarely will affect your gameplay. plus, if your monitor is 60hz like most, theres really no reason to try and get 300 or something. you said your pc was potato quality so i'd recommend capping your framerate at your monitors refresh rate.

zt29 これを好き


Phosphor improves chunk lighting performance, while lithium improves server performance but can it improve Singleplayer performance as that is running an integrated server (the thing that makes LAN connection easier if you switch over to LAN). Just to clarify I don't know exactly know what lithium really does but that's just a broad overview of what it does.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

@doodlefruit yeah I don't need more than 60fps but I really want at least 60fps which I currently am not getting lol. I get like 30 without recording, 15 when I try to record my runs

@spidernh I recommend clipping software then. I don't know how long you can clip up to but you can basically get footage without recording. Also theres always pointing your phone camera at your screen or something :/ also make sure your mc settings aren't at unlimited and are only at 60 or 30. 30fps isn't exactly bad either, as I record a lot of my classic runs in 30fps


I have 2 fps vanilla and get 4 fps sodium. I think it is useless.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

Well at least it's doubled

Propants これを好き

Ikr at least it is doubled.

@Propants at that point just play the game on mobile LMAO


I got around 400-500 fps on vanilla with max render distance, and with optifine I got around the same 400-550. But with sodium and phosphor I got a minimum of 600 and reached nearly 1000 fps, which is just insane

United Kingdom

@Phicka only 1000 fps ??? come on you know that with Minecraft you just gotta have at least 10,000 fps minimum for speedrunning.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
widdd, Propants, そして Phicka これを好き
Hong Kong

this is a good post, jellysquid mods does not boost any fucking fps it makes no difference from vanilla

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