Any% Routing and Strategies
8 years ago
United States

Hi, I'm somewhat new to the speedrunning community and found this game a good place to start. I'm going to document my findings here.

  1. It's around 13 seconds faster to exit and reload the game when inserting a Rune into a Stone.

  2. You are able to teleport between Stones you have visited, even if you have not inserted the Rune. This paired with the exiting strategy makes getting the 2nd and 3rd runes in their correct places much faster.

  3. No fall damage. If we figure out how to angle our jumps, we can easily fall from the top of the map to the bottom without having to retread the ground we just cleared to get there.

With this information, my current route is as follows:

Map for reference and colors (Credit to StarOfDoom):

  1. Get the Red Rune on the way to the Red Stone. Activate, quit and reload to skip the cutscene.
  2. Get the Blue Rune, then visit the Green Stone.
  3. Get the Green Rune, and continue up to the Blue Stone. Activate, quit and reload.
  4. Use the Blue Stone to teleport back to the Green Stone. Insert the Green Rune, quit and reload.
  5. Teleport back up to the Blue Stone and continue to the right, picking up the Pink Rune along the way.
  6. Go up to visit the Yellow Stone, and then get the Light Blue Rune.
  7. Continue to the left, pick up the Yellow Rune, and activate the Light Blue Stone. Quit and reload.
  8. Teleport to the Yellow Stone and activate it. Quit and reload.
  9. Fall down to the Pink Stone and activate it. Quit and reload.
  10. Open the center door, and interact with the final god.

Update: If you quit and reload t0o quickly (i.e. pressing quit multiple times which works for some reason), there is a chance you will be spawned in the top left corner, outside the edge of the map, unable to enter. If we can find a way to break back through the barrier, we can essentially teleport to the top of the map, allowing easy access to the Yellow Rune and Light Blue Gate.

Edit: Grammar, credits

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
United States

I'm glad you're running the game! I'm also fairly new but it's cool to see others noobs are drawn to this game too. Credit should be given to the creator of the map. Unless I'm missing something, I'm pretty sure StarOfDoom created this map.

Utah, USA

You could at least credit me with the map, rather than stealing it.

As for the teleporting to stones we have already visited, can you explain how? I wasn't aware we could do this.

Edit: Not to mention the fact that I already have a thread about the 0, 0 warping.

Edit2: Figured out how to teleport. Well, this screws up my Any% run I was uploading to submit.

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
United States

Yeah when I found the teleport I immediately threw away everything I was thinking. I found a strange glitch in my first attempted run between the two top runes. When I skipped the cutscene for the 2nd one it teleported me back to the original one. Hopefully this isn't permanent with the quit glitch.

EDIT: Here is the run: didn't want to upload because I think the glitch took some time off :?

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
Star これを好き
Utah, USA


Can you timestamp the glitch? No offense but I don't really want to watch the full thing just for the glitch haha.

Also, I gotcha beat ;D 8:12 is currently my PB. I think sub 8 is possible. It's taking forever to upload because I have 3 up 1 down though. So it'll be up on either later tonight or tomorrow.

United States

@StarOfDoom 8:12? Jeez, I just got under 9. It happens later in the video ~6:23. I was able to get around it in my second attempt, but I still think if there's a way to avoid it from happening it'd shave a huge amount of time off.

Star これを好き
Utah, USA

@1NUN There was a strange animation when you pressed continue.... I would assume you were spamming it? Maybe it's something similar to the 0,0 glitch, spamming quit breaks it. I don't know honestly.

On a side note, how's the theme so far? :D I'm trying to fix it up to look nicer :)

United States

@StarOfDoom Looks good.

United States

Using the new strategy, I was able to get a time of 8:35.84. I can easily get it under 8:30 if I grind it out.

Utah, USA

Nice run, but can you credit me for making the map? Stealing it without crediting is plagiarism :P

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