Quit Game Strategies
1 year ago
Kentucky, USA

In the past year, a new strategy has been implemented to save time in the Switch version of the game. This time save may also apply to PC and Xbox as well, but I am unsure. Here are the details.

When beating a level, the "World Complete" stamp appears. In all cases, the game then takes a few moments before going back to the title screen/book. It was discovered that quitting the game and reopening it once the stamp appears is faster than waiting for the title screen to load.

This brings into question the validity and use of this strategy, as a level isn't considered "Beaten" within the game until the title screen loads upon finishing a level. As such the small community in the discord server seems to have come to two conclusions related to the tech.

  1. Since we allow the use of pre-beaten files for running the game, the tech should be banned for Any% and 100% runs to more naturally progress through the game.
  2. Since New Game Plus runs have the levels beaten already, this new tech should be allowed for NG+ and be pushed as far as possible.

Before implementing any rules regarding the ban of a strategy, I wanted to raise the issue here as well for open discussion. Thanks!

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
Kentucky, USA

I will wait for seven days from the initial posting of this thread. If nobody has chimed in by then, the above rules will be implemented. Funnily enough, the only thing it will effect is it will invalidate my current Switch Any% time.

Kentucky, USA

Quit Game strategies have now been banned in every category other than New Game Plus. As such, the particulars of Quit Game strategies have been clarified on the NG+ board as to what they allow i.e. when you may quit out, which does have some small level of variance in regatds to Beginner's Bar, Tubular City and Mac-Race.

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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