4-1 IL Guide
4-1 IL Guide
更新済み 4 years ago 投稿者: JustinZ1120

Here's my guide on the current route used for a 2:4X on Secret Plans, with my 2:47 set on December 18th, 2020 for reference. The current run can be viewed here .

Room 1: Pressing Start, immediately head to the left pile and start building, making sure the other player is on the other pile. When done swap to the other character and start building there as well, doing this saves walking to the other pile. Jump forward over the just built panel and start running to the switches, either one will work, and you're free to move on to the next room. This room should take around 15-17 seconds to complete.

Room 2: Hold right until reaching the Stormtrooper attack, jumping over a laser while mashing the fire button. Stand in a way so that the beams being fired angle towards the stream, and when the timer hits around 0:40-0:42 (or when you kill 12) hold up so the door can be entered as fast as possible. This room should take around 26-28 seconds to complete.

Room 3: Hold left until reaching the grapple pad, then walk over to the other grapple spot. head to the pile and pull the switch after building it. Jump holding Up-Right to land on the bridge and jump after waiting about one second to enter at 0:58-1:00. This room takes about 18 seconds to complete.

Room 4: Entering the room, press fire twice when the “cutscene” ends and head left and pull the switch nearest to the camera, and as soon as it’s pulled run right to the switch there nearest to you, and after that one is pulled nudge into Leia for her to pull the lever (She gets stuck on that one for some reason, and refuses to go to the other switch on that side). Another wave of Stormtroopers should appear and shoot them before shooting the “explosive” on the left, and as long as the right “explosive” loaded in the two should explode scaring Vader off. Entering the room at 1:18-1:20 should be all good here. This room takes about 18 seconds to complete.

Room 5: Easiest room here, just hold right and when the door shows up hold up-right to enter the room at 1:31. This room takes about 13 seconds to complete every time, and is the easiest in the stage.

Room 6: Hold up-left to push the first block into the hole, before running left and up to get the second block in. After the block is in hold up-right and fire two shots hitting the stormtroopers as soon as they show up, add R2-D2 to the party, activate the panel, make sure you switch back to Captain A, and wait out the cutscene at about 1:50. It ends around 2:00, so make sure when it fades to black again you hold up-right to beeline to the door and activate the panel to finish it by 2:06. This room takes around 35 seconds, and is the second longest room in the game due to the cutscene.

Room 7 (Final): Hold right then build that bridge, making sure that the CPU is controlling C3PO, otherwise the room will be more confusing. After the bridge is built a swarm of enemies will enter the area, so as soon as its finished jump so the bridge rises below you before heading to the panel on the left, switch to R2 to open the door, and then switch back to the Captain to pull the first lever. The enemies pile by the door, so jump into the crowd to break through. Run to the right door, and do the same routine with the right door. There are two Stormtroopers in there, so tank a hit and kill the two inside before pulling the lever. After the door opens mash X so you switch to C3PO, so he can open the middle door. Swap to R2, roll to the last panel, and you’re done. This room takes 41 seconds, and is the longest in the game.

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