Use Old Save
7 years ago
Des Moines, IA, USA

Should the "Use Old Save" extra be allowed for runs? The categories it would be used for would be Free Play RTA and 100%. I've seen arguments on both sides and am in favor of allowing it to be used.

Why it should be allowed: -Adds variety and excitement to the run -Uses an intended game mechanic -Makes character selections important -The characters used from LSW1 are preprogrammed into LSW2 and are unlocked because of LSW1 -Does not need console or controller modifications -Free Play RTA can be completed on a previously saved file

Why it should not be allowed: -Makes routing a bit more difficult -Requires LSW1 to unlock the characters -100% runs must start with a new file and using the old save is using characters from a "different file"

If you note any other reasons to allow or disallow the "Use Old Save" extra, please post it here or chat about it in the discord server.


WiiSuper これを好き
California, USA

Can't tell if there was ever a ruling on this, but on the 360/One versions of the game, you can buy all LSW1 characters as DLC for $1 USD. Though routing can be difficult, it won't be once it's done (if it hasn't already been done). At the very least, if this were to be allowed, it might be something to add as a modifier, like how games have a regional variation in leaderboards.

WiiSuper これを好き
Des Moines, IA, USA

We have reached a decision regarding "Use Old Save". It is allowed in Free Play RTA only. In every other category it is banned.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
WiiSuper そして IronInvoker47 これを好き
PC Load Remover Vote

LSW2 runners will have until May 18th at midnight EST to vote on implementing the PC load remover.

9 months ago
投稿日 9 years ago
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