Skarner Rework, new AI and small tweeks.
Skarner Rework, new AI and small tweeks.
投稿日 10 months ago 投稿者:


Today we have a few thinks to talk about, going from most impactful we have:

  • The Skarner Rework:

We already have archived the Pre-Rework Skarnar jungle clear to give place to the new and amazing Skarner, the Primordial Sovereign. The champion is expected to be updated in April 3rd, along with patch 14.7.

  • New AI system for bots:

Riot had this in mind for a few months now, and we just got a new version of bots to play against! What does it mean for the speedrunning community? Do we have to update every record in the page? The answer is no, we don't have to change anything but from just a small sub-category (5v5 Co-op vs AI), so, apart from that one, everything will remain the same as it is!

  • Draven, Shyvana and Thresh Stacks nerf:

All of these champions' stacking categories are getting a small tweek, these being their stacks needed getting cut by half;

  1. Draven: Adoration stacks needed changed from 1000 stacks to 500 stacks.
  2. Shyvana: Armor and Magic Resist from passive changed from 50 extra to 25 extra.
  3. Thresh: Souls needed changed from 200 stacks to 100 stacks.

We intend to make these sub-categories a little bit more entertaining to play, and hopefully encourage more people to try them.

And that's all! Remember to join the Discord Server for any question/request that you might have in mind. I hope to see you in the next post, have a nice day!