Regarding Adding Console Categories.

Due to the overwhelming number of versions of this game, and the fact that they all slightly vary from one another in a number of ways, I will be adding each console as a category on an on-demand basis. If you'd like to run this game on any console not currently listed, please let me know in this thread so I can do the appropriate research to create things correctly.

Aichi, Japan

Please add SNES to Fun, Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem and All 120 Levels.

NihilistComedyHour これを好き

SNES is actually 125 levels. So will add, and then give me a couple days to enter all the levels for the SNES.

Mellowa これを好き

125 Levels is up, and SNES has been added to all Difficultly segmented categories. Will have the SNES levels up when I get the chance.

agne567 これを好き
Aichi, Japan

Thanks a lot :)


So, went ahead and condensed all the Full Game runs into a single categories marked with sub categories for each platform. Just made sense when I was thinking about it; and makes it look a lot cleaner.

Pandora そして 607 これを好き
Utrecht, Netherlands

Ah, nice.


Ah, yeah, it makes the back end so much simpler as well.

United Kingdom

Please add NeoLemmix and SuperLemmini, these are both well-established and widely used PC ports which can host the OG, and make for some fantastic speedrun performances

Note that the rules for these should be:

  • All player-assist tools can be used for real-time play (including fast-forward, framestepping, assign-whilst-paused, direction select, skill shadows, etc)
  • However, replays are not allowed under any circumstances (so, replay editing features cannot be used during a speedrun, even in realtime)
  • Therefore, if a backwards frameskip activates replay mode, replay mode must be de-activated before the next skill assignment
編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Durham, England

Notes on NeoLemmix and Superlemmini: they are unofficial ports to modern PCs which are mainly designed for playing custom levels. Neolemmix is very widely used by the lemmings fan community, superlemmini has very few users currently. Both have framestepping built into them, with neolemmix having more options in this, allowing users to skip forward any amount of time they want and create savestates. Both have a fast forward mode, and have most glitches removed. Both do not use timers for bombers. They are created to remove the difficulty of execution, and instead focus on puzzles in custom levels. Some minor differences between engines are listed here

They could be considered different unofficial game in the lemmings series rather than purely a port, or considered an updated port depending on who you ask.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

I missed WillLem’s post, so sorry for late response. I will download both on Sunday just so I have a clearer picture on how they both play and operate.


Alright, so after playing around with NeoLemmix, I'm in a 100% that it should have it's separate leaderboard, not only because as mentioned earlier it's unofficial game in the lemmings games, but because I believe it would be much better served having it's own board.

Since NeoLemmix has updated levels, and it also additional custom packs, it seems to be me that a board for NeoLemmix could have Full-Game runs organized as such: Name of Level Pack -> Difficultly Categories.

Also, since the game has a much more precise IGT for levels, it appears to me that there could be a lot more interest and competitiveness for level runs, which I believe is a much more popular challenge for Lemmings players who aren't quite into speedrunning the base game.

There's also some additionally complexity (versions of the software that could potentially affect runs) and obvious the use of same of the endgame tools, which need some clarification on rule making. While using the fast-forward function would be obviously very useful for those running RTA on multiple levels, it doesn't seem like it would provide any benefit to doing level runs with the built in IGT.

Then, of course, there's the issue of submitting runs, and video requirements. Since IGT is clearly something where a picture could be provided, and what appears to be a save and replay function, which could be used to verify runs for those who don't have computers capable of live recording very well, it's possible that this could open up the game to be ran by more players.

So, in short, I'm very into opening up another leaderboard, but there's a few of the details I would like to see ironed in advance if possible, just so everyone running with the same understanding, and we could avoid changes in the future that will affect people's submitted runs that they put effort into already.


Can you add PSP



Looks like PSP has the original 120 levels, and it also has 36 extras. There isn't a particularly easy way to add those 36 levels on this board as an independent category that I can immediately see, but it looks like All Levels would be 156 levels.

She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

can you add C64

teh_supar_hackr これを好き

C64 added to the to do list as far as levels are concerned*. Has been added for Full Game runs.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
607 これを好き
レベル: SNES 002 - Only floaters can survive this
レベル: SNES 001 - Just dig!