PC/Console Subcategories
7 years ago
Des Moines, IA, USA

Why are PC and console split into subcategories? Are there major differences that set them apart from each other or is it just that loading times are different? I want to run this co-op with someone and they have the console version and I have the PC version.

WiiSuper そして Levi_Gurgel これを好き

Yes, loading times, gameplay and it's local co-op that would require the same platform, I don't believe PC can play with a console player even locally.

WiiSuper これを好き
Des Moines, IA, USA

What's different about the gameplay? I thought PC and console versions would have had the same gameplay.

WiiSuper そして Levi_Gurgel これを好き
Des Moines, IA, USA

As far as I can tell after one play through, there are no differences other than loads. I don't think that would be enough to warrant subcategories for PC and console.

WiiSuper そして Levi_Gurgel これを好き
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