New Category!
6 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey guys! I just wanna let y'all know that, once i figure out how to add it in, I'll be adding a new category! This category will actually be spotted on the left-hand side of the page, and will break down each and every single chapter. With it, you'll be able to submit your best runs for two sub-categories per chapter -- 0.0, and 9.0. The same rules from the other leaderboards will be carried over. Bonne chance!~

Texas, USA

It's been set-up~ Good luck :)

EDIT: I should give props were props are due. Thank you for bringing the idea up over 2 years ago, GaryIndiana

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Texas, USA

Spent some time thinking, and once I'm able to I'm going to expand the Medusa%, Any%, and All Gold Laurels Categories into two separate subcategories. The first will be "New Game", which is what all the runs for those categories are currently under. The second will be "Old File", which refers to a file that's been played in the past. This way we have two separate races within each category -- the best from the ground up, and the best with resources! Show your worth~ I'm also gonna sticky this thread so I can talk about changes to categories as they come.

California, USA

so does an old file mean i can use absolutely any and all powers weapons i have previously collected, and that i can set the difficulty to whatever i want (besides all gold laurels anyway), and anything else i could've gotten?

Joeypals これを好き
Texas, USA

Yes. Basically, with an Old File run, you can use any old file you have, with any weapon. I'm going to be submitting a Medusa% run soon but as you see with my Any% Old File run I have an old file with a weapon and I just set every chapter to 0.0.

Texas, USA

TADA! I decided to add a new subcategory to Any% called One True Hero. Basically, it's an Any% run, but it's ONLY with the First Blade, as in the blade you first receive at the start of the game. Consider it a sub-subcategory, as in a smaller section of Any% New File. You can still use weapons as you see fit but your weapon MUST ALWAYS BE (unless Three Sacred Treasures/Great Sacred Treasure) the first First Blade you receive. Enjoy!

California, USA

I recommend having Powers banned on One True Hero, except maybe....I want to say Health Recovery L2. A new file doesn't have Powers unlocked to begin with and collecting them can very well boil down to RNG. I'm testing how reasonable V100 First Blade/No Powers is in general--of course, Boss Battles Hard is straight out, but who is speedrunning that anyway.

Texas, USA

By the look of things, you are aha.

I think removing powers might be a little TOO restrictive, plus during certain chapters you unlock certain powers if you go quick enough, with Lightweight Lv 1 is unlocked by beating Ch 2 in 13 minutes (VERY feasible) while Tirelessness Lv. 1 can be unlocked by beating Ch. 6 in 12 minutes.

Believe me I thought about turning off powers too but given the fact that you're given the most basic weapon in the game and have to be stuck with that is difficult enough imo.

Texas, USA

Edited Any%'s and All Gold Laurels' rules slightly. When submitting you only need to include a video if it's within 10 minutes of 1st, not 30. Looked it over and decided that 30 minutes is too much so shrunk it down.

Texas, USA

Gonna be adding three new categories under Miscellaneous, these are really the last 4 categories that could be worth a damn for right now and they're just extensions of the Medusa%.

FoN% -- A speedrun through the Forces of Nature specific arc. Includes Chapter 10 as the aftermath directly interacts with Chapter 11. Includes Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Aurum% -- A speedrun through the Aurum specific arc. Includes Chapters 15, 16, and 17. Chaos Kin% -- A speedrun through the Chaos Kin specific arc, whether the events be by effects of 'kin or otherwise. Includes Chapters 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Hades% -- A speedrun through the end of the game as you prepare to take out Hades. Includes Chapters 23, 24, and 25.

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