Santa's Workshop 7:58 - Ruling Needed on this Ending
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Normal - Short

So, here's a clip from the end of a run I just did on Santa's Workshop. Was experimenting with some multi-class strats, got boned at the end of wave 4 with 8 leftover Zeds on a 6:40 pace, then on Krampus, while fighting him, he glitched out and killed himself. Link is below.

Haven't uploaded the full run cuz I want to hold off on a submission until I get a ruling on this. I've had something similar to this happen on a Hostile Grounds run too, only difference is he didn't kill himself this time. Link below.

Ontario, Canada

I've had a discussion with Puma about stances on glitches and exploits, And I will summarize that here.

Glitches and/or exploits that are found to break the game in a manner that achieves an unintended affect or that is deemed problematic at the time should be avoided and banned from submissions to keep KF2 in its most update to date and competitive level which the game is designed to be. Glitches and/or exploits that are later found to be removed from the game that were not already avoided and banned will invalidate runs that use them. Players should always keep this in mind when using new tech that seems to good to be true in a submission to the board. We have had several discussions about these things in the past and it boils down to what the game allows now vs what it does not. So the boards will and should continue to be maintained as such in reflection to the games evolution.

Runs that are using Glitches or Exploits that are pure randomness or likely to be patched dude to how game breaking they are, will be rejected going forward.

Rules for both Boards we have will be updated to reflect these changes.

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