Death abuse
6 years ago
Île-de-France, France

All right boys. As shown in losing all your mechs doesn't prevent you from advancing. This is bad for multiple reasons, but the biggest one is that if we allow this, all categories will inevitably devolve in resets till you get a pod on your 1rst island, and autodestruct in that pod, which is prolly not a healthy way of speedruning the game. (mandatory hundreds/thousands of resets to get ONE run?)

Should we ban failing levels in these speedruns? Any idea how we should do that kind of stuffs? Should we make that in another category?

broken%, all versions authorized, everything works, beat the game as fast as possible, something like that?

United States

Oof yeah, this is what I meant. You start with no ice artillery, you then go to deathless.

Until/unless this gets patched, the solution seems to be adding a Glitch% category, and banning major skips for other categories as they come out.

Nevada, USA

Hey guys. So I know the resolution to this has been to create the Glitch% category. I was doing a practice run of that myself, and it appears the game has been updated since the WR was created.

The only change is with the final battle. Phase 1 of the final battle if you take the intentional death it doesn't advance to phase 2 any more. Instead, it gives you a game over.

So my question: Should the existing category for glitch% be changed or altered? Or have a new glitch% now that the patch has been created?

Nevada, USA

I mean, I was able to beat the existing WR (pending verification presently), but it took a much more optimized run due to losing a couple minutes on phase 1 of the final island.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Nevada, USA

Also, shouldn't Glitched% be the Any% category? Considering it's the fastest way to beat the game

Ohio, USA

I am not sure if glitched% is the appropriate term, but I wouldn't go with any% either. The problem is that the death abuse glitch takes away pretty much all of the novelty in the game that comes with figuring out how to play each squad. Since all the other categories are named by the team, any% has less meaning if people don't dig into the rules.

I would just make the category "Death Abuse" (no need for the %), and perhaps make it a miscellaneous category.

As for the version differences, the leaderboard is already too fractured to be readable. Adding a designation for old patch vs current patch would make things worse. I think the proper thing to do would be to have people include what patch the run was made on.

It's been a while since I've played this. Do you know if any other changes were made that would help/hurt the speedrun? If no new improvements were made, it might be worth documenting how to downpatch the game.

Nevada, USA

A lot of the patching since then have been bug improvements, so I wouldn't recommend downpatching as stability is already an issue with the game even on the current version.

I know what you're saying about too many categories, but changing a run that uses an in-game mechanic to a miscellaneous category isn't what I would advise. Misc categories are usually for things where you're not running the full game (like a tutorial level or something like that, or a weird goal).

I did propose some changes in another thread on how to clean up the leaderboard (Category Layout Discussion). The custom vs custom no ice needs to be combined into one. And the Squad% without secret needs to go (you can unlock the secret squad in console if you haven't gotten all the achievements yet on your own). Also GameJam's 100% run needs to be on a 100% leaderboard, not in Squad%.

Part of it, yes, not many people running the game now. I think part of that is due to the leaderboard being a bit cumbersome. But there's really not any other way to categorize the run if you want each squad with 2E 4E 2H and 4H. Problem also is that there's not really much active discussion going on right now, so it's hard to figure out how to keep it clean and active.

Ohio, USA

I'm surprised to hear about bug improvements, because I basically never ran into any issues aside from the IG timer not being active during pause and cycling time.

While misc categories are often used for arbitrary stuff, I think it's also important to note that the Death Abuse speedrun is really uninteresting, is extremely reset heavy, and isn't the run you want new players to start with. I don't have a problem with the other changes - it's just that the death abuse glitch removes 99% of the run. If a category isn't a good demonstration of the game, and doesn't help grow the community, the Misc category is a perfectly fine place to put it.

Nevada, USA

Yeah. That makes sense to me. The part that does make that run interesting now that you have to play the final island completely though is making sure you haven't depleted your grid before you get there, so does require a good strategy. That said, I hear you about it. It would help clean up the board to move it to Misc.
