For runners: type here your nickname. Verification can be done by saving a replay of the played level. Which level to play moderators will tell you. The level will be new and unpopular.
Verificed accounts: ( nickname - nickname) trapmix - jake22214 Armageddon15 - Armgeddon15 hangar1453 - 0Zero1One
NinjazFTW64, you need to play the level called "WORST LEVEL" created by "ZACATARUNGA" and save a replay. Would be better if you link this replay here. Armageddon15, your account doesn't need verification.
hangar1453, play a level "Impossible 2.0" by fightowensfight and save a replay. Link your replay here.
do I need to save a replay? or do I not need to because it's the same name as on this site?
You can save a replay with approved nick but it is still better to upload vid to youtube. Replays can break for no reason. And break = lose the first/second/third place!
Hey everyone! In this post we will be announcing some very major rule changes for the SRC leaderboards. Incase you just want the summary, here they are very briefly:
NOTE: None of these rules will be enforced retroactively, just from this point (January 3rd 2025) onwards.
**1. Every mobile WR o