More effecient mashing?
7 years ago

I want to get better at mashing through the text in this game but I don't really know where to start or how to practice. I use two of the keys on my keyboard (the z and x key for reference) and my mouse to mash text but it usually feels slow to me when i watch world record (or most players that have a better time than me). Any tips or things that i should consider doing?

United States

Try mapping more keys or mapping to a joystick so rotating it generates lots of inputs.

United States

When mashing I Use WASD as mouse click and during the text conversations where you don't need to move your mouse much, like the opening dialogue sequence, I find it faster using 2 hands on WASD instead of 1 hand on my keyboard and the other clicking with my mouse.

New York, USA

I mapped my scroll wheel to mouse 1, limited amount of movement for max presses per second

United States

GUYS in the new speedrun mod patch you can now no longer have to worry about unconventional ways of mashing! You can set up any keybind to mash when held and it mashes at the same level for everyone, cutting out any difficulties involving trying to get the best mashing speed.

miraculousAnarchy, Colonel_Blam, そして johnnydimitri これを好き
Victoria, Australia

Mans going lengths to make the people aware!

投稿日 3 years ago
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