Bingo v4.5 now open for runs on the boards!
Bingo v4.5 now open for runs on the boards!
投稿日 4 months ago 投稿者:

Today the draw of the latest HP2 PC Bingo tourney groups took place. As many of you will know this year's tourney will take place on the new V4.5 which has been in testing for the last few weeks through the seeding process for fairness and balance.

Well Today, we're happy to announce that V4.5 is now valid to be submitted to the leaderboards! A variable for V4.5 has been added to the boards and runs will now be accepted on the leaderboards along side v4.0 and upwards.

You can find and download the new client here:

Please note: All runs on V4.5 boards MUST use the 4.5 client, likewise all runs on boards of v4.4 or lower must use the v4.2 client.

Additionally there is an update collectables document made again by @Handelsgesellschaft which you can find here: Coming soon

If you want to know about the specific changes with both the goals and the bingo client you can watch the video below:

Good luck and happy running!

Bingo v4.5 now open for runs on the boards!

Today the draw of the latest HP2 PC Bingo tourney groups took place. As many of you will know this year's tourney will take place on the new V4.5 which has been in testing for the last few weeks through the seeding process for fairness and balance.

Well Today, we're happy to announce that V4.5 is

4 months ago