An Update on recent board changes and discussions
An Update on recent board changes and discussions
投稿日 10 months ago 投稿者:

Console and Emulator Boards Split

Following the discovery of some discrepancies between the GBA console & emu in gameplay the decision was taken to split the Any% board of the game into Console & Emu. This was deemed the easiest and fairest way to deal with this discovery and make runs fair for everyone.

Following this a discussion was started in the discord server on if the same split should be applied to 100% & NSC. Following discussion no adverse responses to the split were given so the decision was made not to hold a vote as the community's feelings seemed clear. As such the other two boards were also split.

As a result of this, all runs on the GBA Emu boards have had any additional penalties for playing on emulator removed.

Vote on End Time Change + Banning SC vote

As a part of the ongoing discussions, a vote on moving the end time of 5GBA to "Loading the save file after save corruption". Additionally the option was also given to ban save corruption entirely across all categories. This was due to a lack of a vote including all community members before when the trick was found.

The vote decided not to ban save corrupt or change the end time so no additional changes were made.

Further discussions will be had in the discord server in the following days regarding other potential timing changes for this game in the HP Handheld Speedrunning Discord. If you want to take part in those discussions please make sure to join the discord server.

Updates regarding rules around run recordings

Hey everyone. Today we have a small update for you all regarding some changes to the rules regarding recordings of runs.

For a long, long time now it has been a requirement for PC runs to have both clear visuals of the game throughout the entire run (so not hiding any game HUD elements or FPS count

7 months ago