更新済み 5 years ago 投稿者: pr0te

[section=Intro] While practicing for the ESA 2019 run, I attempted to learn what DylWingo does in his PB in regards to fast Voldemort. While failing miserably, I noticed that Harry was literally unable to be hit by anything when standing right in front of the mirror. That then led me to discover this new, so simple and easy setup.

Shoutouts to PurpleSun for figuring out that we could respawn the same pillars, laying the groundwork for the strat back in 2015. Also shoutouts to Redhot and Whip for their work too on the setups before.

Side note: I haven't yet tested whether taking damage on the first hit could make this faster/ruin anything. So far it's just an "easier" setup. I think it matches the speed of the current setup, but I'm not sure yet.

[section=Demo videos] Nanonym was kind enough to provide a good video of the setup, and with the added early mirror leading into phase 2.

First appearance in a run, and not perfectly executed (but as you can see, marathon safe)

[section=Tutorial] STEP 1 Hold RIGHT until Harry touches the mirror.

STEP 2 Charge a full flipendo.

STEP 3 Wait for the green energy projectile to vanish, then tap LEFT a couple of times (to allow space for the flipendo to be cast without being blocked by mirror) and immediately shoot.

STEP 4 Keep shooting fully charged flipendos whenever you hear Voldemorts "uuggh". The last shot you fire should be when his health looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/M31USzY.png

Which is exactly 6 hits.

STEP 5 (OPTIONAL) (Shoutouts to Nanonym for contributing this step) NOTE: Risk of softlocking if not careful! After the last flipendo, before the game moves on to phase 2 of the fight, charge another flipendo and position yourself at the edge of the round floor pattern, like so (you should be able to slightly see Voldemort to the left): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225626794068410371/607963043279798300/unknown.png

After Voldemort stops moving, shoot the flipendo at the mirror. If you timed it correctly, the mirror should now be ready early for the second phase. If you're not far enough from the mirror, Harry might auto-face the pillar behind Voldemort, and if you hit that again, the game might softlock, so be careful if you go for this.

After this, proceed with the fight normally.

[section=Final notes] I will update this step after further investigation. Often, if I shoot one more time at this point (but right before he says "uuggh", when the flipendo is done charging), the game doesn't softlock, and the next phase begins immediately, with Voldemort standing right in front of the mirror, ready to receive damage.

So, if done correctly, you simply walk to the mirror, and shoot until the next phase begins, and Voldemort will still be in front of the mirror.

Updates regarding rules around run recordings

Hey everyone. Today we have a small update for you all regarding some changes to the rules regarding recordings of runs.

For a long, long time now it has been a requirement for PC runs to have both clear visuals of the game throughout the entire run (so not hiding any game HUD elements or FPS count

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