Category Idea
2 months ago
British Columbia, Canada

I Don't Know If You Guys Are Still Not Accepting Any New Ideas Or Not But I Did Think Of Two Category Exstension That I Think Would Be Kinda:

"Neck Snap Only" And "Melee Only"


Those categories sound really close to the fiberwire category, I don't think the existing strat would change if they were added.

TheRealOurpleguy これを好き
British Columbia, Canada

I Don’t Really Think So Since Unlike With Fiberwire, You Don’t Need To Be Behind Them To Kill

But That’s Just My Opinion I Guess

Ohio, USA

Another catigory that I am dying to see is a glichless catagory because there are so many insane glitches in this game that are super hard to pull off for beginners like me. If you add this, I suggest a Glitchless%, no major glitches (bomb launching, violin boosting, etc.) and Glitch%

British Columbia, Canada

Honestly, That Why I Originally Never Wanted To Speedrun This Game

I Love Hitman, And The World of Assassination Is One Of My Favourite Games, But Those Glitches...

They Scare Me

British Columbia, Canada

Except For Violin Boosts

I Love Those, With Every Fiber Of My Wire

New York, USA

The problem with adding new categories like NMG is that we'd have to define what constitutes a major glitch, which is really hard to get everyone to agree on.

One example of how defining what's a major glitch is hard: I wouldn't consider a bomb launch to be a major glitch, or hardly a glitch at all, because it's literally just one object pushing another through the game's physics system, and from there it can be aimed.

We'd probably be best off taking inspiration from other prior works from other games' communities. I'll see if I can ask around as to how people came to a consensus.

編集者 投稿者 2 months ago
New York, USA

But yeah, in terms of neck snaps/melee categories, definitely going to be a no, way too similar (likely almost identical in 99% of cases) to fiber wire.

Colorado, USA

I mean, the only glitch I can of think of that could classify as a major glitch would be like subdue glitch or cover aim glitch, but even then I don't really believe in a NMG category. Particle boosting is intended gameplay!

Ohio, USA

Maybe we wait for adding no major glitches, but can we at least add a glitchless% and a glitch%

British Columbia, Canada

They Literally Just Said It Would Be Hard To Figure Out What's A Glitch And What Isn't

Colorado, USA

I wouldn't hold your breath for a glitchless% category to be honest

Dartmoor Audio Patched Runs

Because of the August 17th patch (), we have moved multiple runs to the “No Longer Possible” category. Runs from the Hitman 3 main boards, category extensions, elusive targets, and freelancer were all affected. This patch has on

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