投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Hello everyone. Recently, the Haloruns.com moderators have expressed a desire to remove the category extensions pages for all of the mainline Halo games as these category extensions are now being hosted on the haloruns.com site. Due to the activity of Spartan Ops and the large clutter that would be caused trying to port everything Spartan-Ops-related to the haloruns.com site, this page will not be deleted and will instead be repurposed to hold all categories related to Spartan Ops speedrunning.

I have removed all of the main full-game categories that were related to the main missions, and now the categories for full game are the individual episodes themselves. If there is enough activity in these episode runs as well as interest for running all 10 of these episodes at once, I will implement a new category for a full Spartan Ops run, but for the meantime, that will be excluded. I have also added categories in both full-game and in ILs for Acrophobia Solo and Co-op. The same timing rules and game rules apply, but you can use any combination of skulls you like.

Visit haloruns.com for Halo 4 base categories and category extensions, as well as categories for all other FPS Halo games!

Updating this Page - Now a Dedicated Spartan Ops Page

Hello everyone. Recently, the Haloruns.com moderators have expressed a desire to remove the category extensions pages for all of the mainline Halo games as these category extensions are now being hosted on the haloruns.com site. Due to the activity of Spartan Ops and the large clutter that would be

1 year ago
投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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