My goal now is Sub 5. This can be picked up by the mistakes I made in the run. Was almost near Sub 5:10 but lost 7 minutes in Los Desperados.
In general, my driving through LS to SF could be improved as piled up with timeloss.
Died in Pier 69 and failed to blow the heli once in TLF.
Failed to dupe ES but it suceed on my 2nd try.
Lost 7 mins in LD because I let go off the call too early.
The rest was good.
Changes to the GTA:SA leaderboard
The GTA:SA community has been deteriorating over a long period of time. Many top runners are not currently present on the leaderboard. This issue has not been seriously addressed yet, but an attempt will be made to remedy it now.
As of this news post, the San Andreas leaderboard will function in
レベル: Outrider