Mission Request Thread
8 years ago
Hampshire, England

Post here if there is a mission you would like added to the level leaderboard and I'll add it, I'm slowly going through them all but if anyone would like one added because they did a run then let me know.

FallBackITA27 そして MPRF12345 これを好き
Hampshire, England

It's a lot of work to add every mission and order it alphabetaticly (because there isn't an easy way to order stuff), like I said I'm working on it but if anyone needs anything NOW then let me know :P

FallBackITA27 そして Havi これを好き

The introduction of GTA Online, (you play it when you start GTA Online for the first time or when you choose to replay it by creating a new character), contains one race and one mission. Logically, this is the very first mission of the online mode. His name is "Learning the Ropes". I saw that she was absent from the leaderboard. Was it intentional or you had never noticed it?

I propose that it be added. Or, that the "full" introduction be part of the leaderboard. For example, the timer could start when introductory cutscene begin and it could stop when we enter in a freemode session (the rest of the introduction is only optional).

But, it's especially for the mission "Learning the ropes" that I propose this.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago

i'm not sure how fun that would be to reset due to the nature of having to delete your character every single time just to run the introduction, plus its not really much of a mission, you do 1 race and 1 mission in the introduction that you could do on the replay menu? i dunno if that one gerald mission is avalible in the replay, if people want it i'll add it otherwise i would suggest leaving it out so

I did not find it in the replay menu. which obliges us to repeat the introduction. I'm crazy enough to do it, but if I'm the only one and nobody wants it, I'm ready to forget it.


Dispatch I through VI

Marushko, TubewayArmy, そして LOLMAN-0027 これを好き

Man i never seem to get a notification for these posts, those should be added

TubewayArmy そして iguana これを好き

@Wayno717 Thanks for adding them, but Dispatch VI is missing.

Marushko そして TubewayArmy これを好き

Righto that should be fixed @Stefan

TubewayArmy そして iguana これを好き

Reverse of this thread, can "Low and Slow" be removed and the records moved over to "Slow and Low" ?

Marushko そして TubewayArmy これを好き
Czech Republic

Please rename 'Ticket Elysium' to 'Ticket to Elysium'


Done and Done, any more inconsistencies with naming also post them here

TubewayArmy これを好き

"On Manoeuvres" should be "On Maneuvers" "Satelite Communications" is missing an extra L in Satellite "Desperate Times Calls For..." should be "Desperate Times Call For..." "Holed Up -Burton" is missing a space after the dash "Survival: Railyard" should be "Survival: Railyard Survival"

might be more but i cant recall right now

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Marushko そして TubewayArmy これを好き

Alright corrected

Czech Republic

Are there any moderator active?

New missions has been added: Repo - Blow Up IV Repo - Do You Even Lift? Repo - GTA Today II Repo - RV Nearly There? Repo - Sasquashed Repo - Under The Hammer

LOLMAN-0027 これを好き

Two new missions has been added :

Repo - Burn Rate Repo - Simeonomics

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Czech Republic

Umm... anyone willing to add?

I think I could send a message on Discord to @Wayno717 for ask him to add them

Czech Republic

Added, nice! <3

Do the new 7 survivals are here ? If not, this is the list :

  1. Farmhouse Survival
  2. Forest Survival
  3. Grove Street Survival
  4. Meth Lab Survival
  5. Nuclear Silo Survival
  6. Stab City Survival
  7. Zancudo Survival
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