Rule changes
4 years ago
United States

Over the past couple days we've been working on some minor changes to the rules. We've been lenient about the rules in the past, and have chosen to verify runs that didn't receive much of an advantage despite breaking one or more of the rules, but moving forward this will no longer happen. Due to the sudden influx of runners, we have decided to be a lot more strict with future submitted runs. Here are the changes that were made:

For the standard purchase lock category, runs must record both the world creation and the lock placement. Instead of beginning on the placement of the lock, timing now starts on the first interaction with the world itself (i.e. breaking blocks). This is so we have the ability to set the level requirement and lock out other players from entering the world. The world you choose to use must also not have had any prior interaction to it in the past, which can be anything that would result in this no longer being considered a newly generated world. Along with items of any kind, gems and mods obtained before starting the run are also not able to be used. Items obtained from special events are also banned from use.

For any of the categories not mentioned, we encourage you to read the rules once more before attempting a run. After selecting the category you want, the "View rules" button is located on the top right of the page. Thank you.

Vlad18000 これを好き
投稿日 1 year ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
投稿日 3 years ago
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