The GRANNY V1.3.1 SPEEDRUN MOD keeps going to an error
3 months ago
United States

How do I fix the to not get the error

Somerset, England

Can you describe what the error is?

QMann360 これを好き
Tennessee, USA

Ah yes, the "the not get the error" error

編集者 投稿者 3 months ago
QMann360 これを好き
Somerset, England

@QMann360, I know what you're talking about now.

Please view my other forum post:

QMann360 これを好き
United States

Alright so now this error keeps coming up when I lunch the game so the mod doesn't work

[Error : Unity] NotSupportedException: To marshal a managed method, please add an attribute named 'MonoPInvokeCallback' to the method definition. The method we're attempting to marshal is: SteamManager::SteamAPIDebugTextHook

Any help on how to fix it

編集者 投稿者 3 months ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
Somerset, England

Which version of Granny are you on? And have you installed it correctly?

QMann360 これを好き
United States

I am on granny 1.3.1 and everything in the picture looks the same as what I have it as

United States

Nevermind I got it working

Somerset, England

Yay, what did you fix. And that I've heard no one else having that issue.

編集者 投稿者 3 months ago
QMann360 これを好き
United States

I had another mod downloaded and it was stoping it from working

United States

Thanks @YUMmy_Bacon5 and @Nedraxx you both were great help

Tennessee, USA


QMann360 そして YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
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