Leaderboard Embargo
Leaderboard Embargo
投稿日 2 years ago 投稿者:

Just a heads up, we will not be opening the leaderboard right away when the game releases. We are planning to wait an extra 3 weeks, until November 11th, before we begin accepting run submissions. This has become a fairly standard practice for major releases in the last few years, but for us there are three main reasons for this;

  1. This gives everybody a fair chance to play the game before we need to make any concrete decisions.

  2. This allows me to properly build up the moderation team and select people who will truly care about the game long-term, without needing to rush that process to keep up with verifying runs from day 1.

  3. Due to WB Montreal's history, and the fact that the game prominently features online co-op, we are anticipating some shenanigans at launch that could affect speedrunning (especially for the PC version), and we may need extra time to account for this.

We may choose to open the leaderboards early if we feel that the embargo is no longer necessary, but for now the plan is to wait until November 11th.

In the meantime, you can join our Discord to be sure that you don't miss anything: https://discord.gg/UzcZfecHtt

Leaderboards are now open!

Since we sorted everything out pretty quickly, we decided to open the leaderboards earlier than planned! All the main categories are set up, so go ahead and submit your runs!

2 years ago
投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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投稿日 1 year ago
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投稿日 2 years ago