Minimum Loop Count for some events? (Might require further Investigation?)
2 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Hiya! I've been looking into the source code, and I'm not sure if this'll be incredibly useful, but I may have found the minimum loop count for some events. However, I'm not exactly certain if these are 100% right/it might require further investigation:

For example, Remnan's Second Note apparently requires a loop count of 80, but I believe the code isn't right, as I've gotten that note in loops earlier than 80.

ErinT これを好き

Thanks for sharing - this is really interesting! I wondered if this kind of info would be available once the PC version came out. I agree that some of the loop counts seem to be way off though

  • Intuition affecting Chipie's Gnosia event is very interesting, I always wondered why it sometimes refuses to trigger
  • Loop 60 for the Chipie collab seems way too high, it always seems available almost immediately after his Gnosia event
  • I agree on the Remnan AI planet one seeming too high, I think I've gotten this earlier than loop 40 even
  • Setsu's Let's Play event being 65 is interesting - I do lots of 5-1 loops early on to raise the loop count because I suspected this one and a few others had a minimum number of loops required but 65 almost sounds a little high to me
  • Shigemichi - is this the little grey event? It's been causing a lot of trouble recently, I feel like it always either triggers no problem at like loop 30-40 or is one of the very last ones you need. It'd be useful to know what the actual requirements are for ones like this, and the Shigemichi shower event since they can feel really luck based. (Gina's "Don't be fooled!" event is also one that easily kills runs if it hasn't occured naturally - it just seems to require Gina to trust you and notice that someone has lied but it's a huge pain to trigger intentionally if there's no other events left!)
  • Loop 50 for the second SQ collab sounds real late to me, I wanna say I've gotten both of her team up events before loop 30.

Actually the one tiny thing I always wanted confirmation on from the source code was if the favourite colour you choose as your avatar at the beginning affects anything. I'm 99% sure it doesn't but with such an RNG heavy speedrun it's easy to start thinking "if I pick pink, maybe SQ will like me better during the run"

I don't know if it sounds silly but it almost kind of kills some of the magic if we know exactly how everything occurs, but it's interesting info for sure

Pressiepop これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

"- Loop 60 for the Chipie collab seems way too high, it always seems available almost immediately after his Gnosia event"

Oops, I should've specified - the event itself doesn't have a loop requirement, just the extra dialog associated with it! Same for the SQ extra dialog.

In regards to AI planet and Little Grey (it is the Little Grey event, i think), there's sort of a weird coding thing present in regards to the events. Unfortunately, I'm not really that fluent in C# to know what it is for certain... It could be possible that it's saying that the events are more likely to happen at around loop 80 or higher, but i'm not certain.

Let's Play is also a bit weird, as yeah it's high, but it doesn't have the weird coding thing like Little Grey or AI planet, so I'm unsure about that one.

Shigemichi's Shower scene doesn't have a notable gimmick as far as I'm aware, other than having high trust with him. Same with DBF, high trust / love (which, love is a strange thing i'll mention in a minute), and Gina must catch a lie.

As far as colors go, they do somewhat matter! (as well as dialog choices and gender... a little bit) there's a video that goes into it (), but i can give a quick TL;DR:

  • In terms of Gender, Stella will have higher 'love' if you pick Male, Sha-Ming will have higher love if you pick Female, and Raqio (and Sha-Ming slightly) will have higher love if you're NB.
  • Color preferences can be seen here: . They somewhat matter, but It sort of depends. For example, I picked Orange, but I can still easily get Otome to be a friend, or have Jonas as my detractor often, despite Otome disliking Orange/Jonas liking Orange respectively. It could be possible to maybe get the Shigemichi shower event early by picking Light Green (a color he likes) and being Guard Duty with him? not sure, though. And that could be a bit disadvantageous since Gina dislikes L. Green and may struggle with getting DBF.
  • As for what 'love' is... it's a little strange. It seems to be how much a character is liked, unrelated to Amicability or Trust in debates, and it changes based on dialog options / color choice / being nice to them (e.g. sending Shigemichi to cold sleep constantly probably doesn't help his love towards a player, lol. but saying Goodbye might! though i'm unsure.) / events / etc. throughout loops. For example, the game generally dislikes it if the player refuses to speak for events. in loop 2, if you tell Gina that you're Gnosia and that you're scared too, she likes you more! if you don't speak up, though, she dislikes you more. But, like you said, i think mapping out everything would kill the magic. I hope i didn't kill the magic too much by explaining how the colors work 😢
編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
ErinT これを好き

Thanks for the clarifications on the info + the interesting video. It's nice to finally get confirmation on the colour thing and that it wasn't me just gradually losing my mind! The gender thing too, we had been avoiding male because of unnecessary romance events but I feel like Raqio is the single most important character in the speedrun so this whole time it might have worked out a little faster to go with NB over female (though like you said I don't have a good sense of how much of an impact this stuff really has e.g I think I picked orange in my most recent PB and had no issues triggering Gina's events)

It doesn't kill the magic too much but...I'll probably stop my habit of choosing a different colour for every run 😂

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Pressiepop これを好き

Hi, very interesting information.

I have also cleared the loop with 70 loops, so maybe 80 is just a guideline to make it easier to occur.

I remember other runners in the past had a theory that the event to play with Setsu might be above 60. Here's a tweet from when I saw that and looked up the historical data. This is from last year, but I still don't recall it ever happening under 60.

I was never really aware of the number of loops for other events because of the "if it's running something will happen" mentality.

I had heard about the colors, about how it was easier to get along with the corresponding for SQ, blue for Raqio, etc.... But I never really felt it. We are faced with the choice of for Shigemichi or purple for Gina, but looking at this chart.... hmmm....

Also, there are some hidden parameters

  • Trust: Whether you trust the other person or not. It is reset every loop.
  • Friendship(love): whether you like or dislike the other person, regardless of their role. Accumulated per loop. There is talk of these two parameters influencing the occurrence of events. I don't know if they have the power to affect the time, even if it goes up or down depending on the conversation choices. I have heard a theory that talking to someone who is frozen can raise it, but hmmm.

The reason I have the main character as a woman is because I have data that Sha-Ming only protects women (+Setsu) when he is a guardian angel. However, it does not seem that Gnosia Sha-Ming does not attack women. If you don't need his blessing, NB is an option. (I don't think the man is the right choice because of the romantic events that will be involved.)

(I can read C#, but I'm not interested in looking into the game at the moment...)

Good job DeepL!

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
tekimichi, ErinT, そして Pressiepop これを好き

Hello. I've been doing some personal research on event loops since then, and now that I've finished the first phase, I'd like to share it with you. (Not sure if there will be a second phase, though.) (Sorry if the translation is wrong)

Some loops are probably going to be reduced further (e.g. "Grovel"). I might be able to use it to determine, "This is the XXth loop, so that event should happen."

ErinT これを好き

That's interesting, how did you get Setsu's Let's Play event to trigger loop on 54? I'm not sure if you're interested in adding more data but I checked the loop counts for my 1:48 run.

(I tried requesting edit access but I don't know if I did it correctly - I thought you would receive an email about it but I'm not sure)

edit: I have access now, thanks! vvv

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago

Let me reply to one thing first. Can I ask you to send me the request again? (I just got a notification on my phone, but I can't find the email and I can't find where to approve it...)


LOOP 54 surprised even myself, I didn't think it would come until 65. At this point I had completed all events except Shipie 6, Shigemichi 3, and Comet 7, but I don't know if that had anything to do with it.

Thanks for adding the data. I hope to find something new in these accumulations.

Pressiepop これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

It's been a minute since I replied to this, but I realized I made a mistake >.<

Hunted, Chipie's event where you're both Gnosia, requires 15 Charm to get early, not 15 Intuition.

Additionally, though this is just a theory, it could be possible that NG+ makes loop requirements not necessary, but I have no clue.

ErinT これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

oh yeah, a detail that might be known but i may want to mention it anyways:

Setsu is always crew when they give you step forward, and the loop minimum for the skill is loop 6. if they survive the first day of votes in loop 6 and don't give you step forward, they're gnosia.

they can also give step forward day 2 in a loop, as i had them give it to me day 2 of loop 7 (since meeting comet happens night 1), so if setsu doesn't give you step forward on day 2 of loop 7, they're gnosia, etc. etc.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I figured out some more things! Though, I'm not sure how useful it is..

Getting Let's Play early requires the Player to go through Setsu's Origins/セツの始まり first. Otherwise, it's Loop 65+. However, Comet's Gnosia event is always Loop 60+ and can't happen in a loop with more than 3 Gnosia.

AI Planet's 80+ loop requirement is if the Player has yet to experience two people disappearing at once, I believe? (iirc when two people disappear for the first time, a notification pops up talking about how one of them was the bug eliminated by the Engineer. So, if the player hasn't received that notification yet, the event won't occur until loop 80+.)

Starship Oracle / 星舟 happens on Loop 40+ if you only have Gina 2, but no loop requirement if you have Gina 2 + 3.

I think I also have a list of events that directly require Setsu 2 / Event search:

Chipie 5 / こういう奴 (Also requires Chipie 2 + Let's Collaborate) Kukrushka the Guard* / 留守番 (Also requires SQ 2 or you can get it without Event Search via getting Jonas 5/Kukrushka 3) Gina 6 / 和食派 Citizen Slime / 粘菌 (Also Requires Comet 5 / Sha-Ming 3) Otome 3 + Sha-Ming 2 / 実験動物

I could try to figure out more, though I'm still not too good at reading...

tunasand そして ErinT これを好き

Thanks for the interesting info.

Getting Let's Play Indeed, when I used to be LOOP54, all other possible events were over.

Comet's Gnosia event Perhaps, but it seems to me that in addition to that, there always needs to be a 3rd day coming up. That is why I am always 12-3.

AI Planet Based on the conversation between the three of us, that requirement makes sense.

The fact that the Guard Duty event requires SQ2 is a new discovery for me. I once tried to see if the hangar event would start without the Guard Duty event, and I remember that Jonas 5/Kukrushka 3 occurred, but the following "We are not looping..." did not happen, I remember. But that was a long time ago, so I could be misremembering...

I knew that Guard Duty and Slime were the events that required Setsu 2, but there were others.


Rough flowchart not considering Setsu 2.

I guess this is what it looks like at this point.

ErinT, Pressiepop, そして tunasand これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Here's two small things:

-SQ 3 / Remnan 4 requires Yuriko 4, in addition to Remnan 3 / SQ 2.

  • For Remnan 5, you can be Gnosia/Bug/AC, but only if you are not female, and in the case of Gnosia Remnan can't be Gnosia. If you play as Female, you both have to be Crew-aligned due to the romance event

Here's an example where I got it with him as AC and I was Gnosia on a NB file:

tunasand そして ErinT これを好き

I see, because Yuriko's name appears in the conversation options. Such names are likely to be missed in other events.

I laugh at the situation where everyone is calling themselves an engineer or doctor.

I will share something I noticed recently (today) is that the hangar event requires Jonas 3. Well, it was obvious, since I would not know he was the captain until you saw Jonas 3. I guess I didn't pay attention to Jonas 3 because he always comes relatively early.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

New information! This is a work in progress, but characters have certain preferences for certain dialog choices made by the player. I've only covered the tutorial loops so far, and some stuff is a bit wonky, but i wanted to see if this format works well. i only put in relevant choices. if there's a choice not present, that means it doesn't effect the Love values.

Though it's also a bit strange, since there are decisions that increase/decrease "Love" and decisions that increase/decrease "Friendship/Amicability". This Sheets only covers decisions that effect Love, but here's an example:

In Loop 13, introducing yourself to Sha-Ming if you're female gives you a Love and Friendship increase. However, if you're male/NB and you don't state your name, you get a Friendship/Amicability decrease.

I'm curious if I should cover choices that effect Amicability as well...

ErinT これを好き

That's interesting info - I do generally go out of my way to answer the dialog choices instead of skipping them so it's good to know I was mostly picking the correct answers. (I also still try to say goodbye when people get put into cold sleep but still not sure if that's doing anything or if it's even causing some kind of decrease by saying goodbye to definite Gnosia)

Raqio's love increasing when you choose the wrong answers in the quizzes is hilarious, I'll need to start doing that!

Thanks again for researching this stuff!

Pressiepop これを好き

Thanks for the interesting info. In this article, the creator mentions "Love". To quote in part, "For example, let's say a character has a logical personality. When I played the game repeatedly, the character was logical and thought that the player was Gnosia, but he went beyond logic and continued to protect me." In sum, it probably comes down to this. "Friendship": Accumulates with each loop. Affects the occurrence of events. "Amicability": Resets with each loop. Affects Friend/Detractor on Data Reference screen? "Love": Accumulated at each loop. Why am I attracted to you after meeting you for the first time? ("Friendship" and "Amicability" may be opposite.) But this may not be very accurate. It's a hidden parameter, so there's no clear explanation anywhere. I don't know the difference between "Friendship" and "Love".

As a speedrun, I am wondering whether it is better to spend more time on the conversation to increase "Friendship" or to keep the conversation short even if "Friendship" goes down. For example, the event to get the "Step Forward" command is time consuming because Setsu explains it in detail. We also need to consider the time it takes to enter the command.

Raqio is cynical, but They are surprisingly caring and eager to teach...

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
Pressiepop これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

i've been a bit low on energy, and i keep forgetting to update the decisions chart... but i do have a little bit of info relating to gameplay mechanics this time:

  • It's significantly rare, but it is possible for Gnosia to be caught lying when protecting "Crew". however, this only applies to loops with an AC Follower and/or Bug. If you are unsure who the Bug/AC is, defending or covering for any Crew member is considered a lie. For example, I kickstarted SQ Note 5 because SQ caught me lying... about finding her trustworthy: JP transcript: Matron: SQは信用できそう SQ: (Matronの嘘に気付いた・・・)
  • However, there are a few things that don't count as likes. Dislike/(name)は嫌い, Shut Up/nameはうるさい, and Collaboration Breaks/(name)は信用できない。手を切ろう are not considered lies if an enemy uses them. Seek Agreement/同意を求める and Block Argument/反論を封じる are also not considered lies, but that might be known at this point...
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