Cornerboosting mechanics
6 days ago
United States

I only found out this game exists a couple weeks ago, and I managed to find quite a few cornerboosts on my own. However, I still don't know exactly how they work. I know it has something to do with conserving the speed boost you get when landing on a corner, but does it stack? If so, could you theoretically build infinite speed or is there a speed cap? I might look into TASing this game because an announcement post said it's possible now and I don't really want to go in blind(ish)

I would have asked this in the discord, but it seems like the link has expired, it's saying the invite is invalid

編集者 投稿者 6 days ago
United States

@CheDaCheezYT A speedboost works because it abuses the mechanic where you get a speed boost when you jump off a slope, like the one towards the end of Summit 5. The edges of objects have these properties, which is why you can speedboost. You can theoretically speedboost indefinitely it's just you need to find a way to preserve it and there's already a TAS made for the full game if you want to start TASing with an idea for what to do (). If you want to speedboost though you need to downpatch because the current version removes them

編集者 投稿者 6 days ago
United States

I already have the downpatch and recording/playback plugin, but is it possible to go frame by frame editing the inputs? I don't see an input menu like there is in this video, unless that's just the JSON file converted to an overlay for the video

United States

Oh sorry I forgot the TAS tool isn't on the site as a resource rn

North Carolina, USA

@CheDaCheezYT I fixed the Discord invite link

North Carolina, USA

@BenjiWii I'm adding it

United States Go to this and click on the DLDTAS folder, then press the build folder, click on the DLDTAS.js, copy all the code, then go to gimloader, press the plus button, and paste the code

United States Also here's another thing you'll need. Add it to the libraries section instead of the plugin section

編集者 投稿者 6 days ago
Category Extensions

You may have noticed that miscellaneous categories from this game have been removed. All of these categories have been made on the Category Extensions page. All runs (including obsolete ones) from these categories have been submitted on the runners behalf by me. The date, description, and all other

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