Accusations of cheating and the standard of evidence.
7 years ago

Hello folks, I hate to rehash ridiculous old quarrels but I'm genuinely disturbed by the accusations that were levied against me (and never cleared up) regarding my falling out with the Bfbb community. I was just wondering what the standard of evidence is for accusations like this. In the past people have had long drawn out discussions and deconstructions over video and audio evidence being scrutinized to the fullest extent.

Instead, I get a half assed explanation (that honestly smells a lot more like a cover up) of how cheating COULD have occurred. Not how it did specifically occur. The reason I bring it up as such an issue is because that exact same run was approved about a week later with no problem. The original claim has still not been retracted and amongst the community, I'm sure my name has long since been defamed. These people have labeled me as some troll who was "harassing them" even though the only comments of any sort (actual threats of violence, wishing death upon me and calling me autistic as an insult) have been coming from THEM. They've rejected my runs in the past for no reason, claimed I didn't even run the game and even went as far as to go out of their way to personally attack my friends merely for associating with me. I find all of these accusations reprehensible and unbecoming of a moderator (much less a community leader)but I'm not in charge of who gets demoted here.

All I'm asking for now is some answers. What are the standards of evidence required? Should moderators be held accountable for an abuse of powers? How can they be held accountable? Anyone willing to offer ideas or answers to any of these would be greatly appreciated. I don't like seeing this kind of nefarious activity taking place amongst moderators and community members.

PLEASE check out all relevant links:

Run in question:

A relevant post talking about the accusations and Shifts masterpost of lies:

Myles one of the mods (Who has not only lied about me to get me banned but then deleted my runs putting provocative comments like "finally its over, your gone" attempting to rub it in. Those runs have since been reinstated.) Who has said it before but decided again in this very heated conversation to reiterate that I am mentally ill and deserve to die.

These are the kind of people entrusted with running this community -.-

Interesting video on cheating in speedrunning (inspired this post)


"How can they be held accountable? " If a moderator abuses his power he can get his mod-status removed, temp or perma banned. "What are the standards of evidence required?" To reject a run you need to PROVE that it doesnt comply with the rules or is cheatet, some examples are listed in the Video you posted. Just thinking it MAY be cheated is not enough.

Since actions against the people in question havent been taken before on your first post, i dont think anything will change now and i advise you to keep this thread 100% factual/professional.

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