Trying to Speedrun for the First Time - Need Game Suggestions!
3 years ago

Hi everybody, I am an ENVtuber planning on Speedrunning a game for the very first time to try and create a decent PB within a week!

I'm ideally looking for something that ISN'T a platformer like Celeste, Mario, Sonic, etc - but something you can play on Steam as an accepted platform, and isn't too hard to pick up and do okay within a week's time.

Anything within those conditions I can work with (Glitches or not!), just something fun and I can have a laugh with chat about!

Please can anyone suggest some fun and decent games/categories to run?

United States

Maybe check this thread for suggestions. The first game mentioned, Limbo, sounds interesting.

MinecraftGaming そして RobbieLionheart これを好き

Ah, I've read up on Limbo too, but I thought it was a platformer?

United States

The person describes it as a puzzle game. I haven’t played it, so I wouldn’t know.

MinecraftGaming これを好き

It's a puzzle-platformer, seen a lot of fellow Vtubers playing it although I haven't played it either haha. I notice a lot of platformers recommended in that thread.


Limbo is indeed a platformer game, with puzzle elements.

@RobbieLionheart what genres do you like to play in general, instead of platformers? Most of the games I play are platformers, so can't really help much here.

If you like point & click games, you can try running "Don't Escape 4". Full game runs can take 19-25 minutes, and recently we added ILs to the leaderboard, so you can do shorter runs.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Gaming_64, Pear, そして RobbieLionheart これを好き

@Oreo321 I enjoy stuff like RPGs, I did like the Sam and Max point and click games (Hit the Road and the Telltale series) - I also like Karting games but I only really have access to the Sonic ones as a PC/Steam player.


If you're into puzzle games and you're looking for a short speedgame, I guess Helltaker could possibly be your cup of tea.

As for RPGs, they tend to be quite grindy and long for speedrunning in general (usually taking several hours to complete a single run), and while there's nothing inherently wrong with running them, it might be a good idea to focus on shorter genres first. This is merely a suggestion and you're welcome to choose whatever you prefer though. :)

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Pear そして RobbieLionheart これを好き
French Southern Territories

Well, pretty much all the games I play are almost exclusively platformers, and I don't use steam, so my advice might not be very good, but something generic that applies to everybody is to run games that you enjoyed casually.

For Karting games, I recommend the mario kart games, but those aren't available on steam. A popular game right now is "Jelly Drift" which was made by a popular game dev who also created another one of the most popular games on this site, Karlson. Jelly Drift is a racing game made in unity that has a very active community right now, so I'd recommend that one.

Unfortunately, that's all I can do.

Pear そして RobbieLionheart これを好き

@MrMonsh I'm completely open-minded going into this, and it definitely sounds like big RPGs aren't the answer! Thanks for the advice on Helltaker, I'll have a look into it! Anything that doesn't take too long is something that I'm open to! :)


@Merl Thank you as well for your suggestion! I'd love to try Mario Kart, but as emulators a big no go zone (understandably for fairness and load times, dropped frames, etc) my hands are quite tied Karting games lol. XD

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

Okay, I just checked the categories, rules and allowances for an old game that I used to play that can be played via Emulator so I'm going to try that first. Thank you again to everyone for your suggestions, I'll look into those for future running! <3

ckellyspeedruns, MrMonsh, そして Merl_ これを好き

Good luck with your runs!

Just for future reference, as long as we're talking about NES/SNES/N64/PS1 communities, most of them usually accept runs done on emulator in some shape or form (be it through a separate leaderboard for emulator times, a sub-category or on the main leaderboard taking only the loadless times into account), so if you have other old console games that you're fond of, it might pay off to check those out as well.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
ckellyspeedruns そして RobbieLionheart これを好き

If you're looking for a game that can be played on Steam, isn't a platformer, and you could get a halfway decent PB within a week, Streets Of Rage 4 has many categories; is on Steam (and very cheap to buy); also uses IGT instead of RTA so is easier that way too, plus the Livesplit has autosplit functions.

Extremely easy game to pick up and start speedrunning immediately.

RobbieLionheart そして Pear これを好き
Washington, USA

I need help finding a game that generally has a fair amount of runs. This will be my first time speed running


@TheFinalFrontier If "number of runs" is your metric, you can sort the games list by number of (full-game) runs:

Otherwise, you will have to be way more specific than that.

Gaming_64, RobbieLionheart そして 2 その他 これを好き