Camera Stalling.
Camera Stalling.
更新済み 6 years ago 投稿者: SamTheSpeedrunner

Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Mangle, Circus Baby, Rockstar Chica and Lefty can all be camera stalled.

How does camera stalling work?

  1. click on the camera of the animatronic(s) you want to camera stall
  2. keep it there for the rest of the night 3)You now don´t need to do anything what the game told you to defend yourself (buying plushies, switch the wet floor sign and winding Music Box)

Cameras :

Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Mangle and Circus Baby : Cam 02

Rockstar Chica : (depending on which side she is) Cam 01 or Cam 02

Lefty : Cam 03