Mod Note: Run starts on frame 829 and ends on frame 171451 at 30 FPS.
Real Time: 1:34:47.400
In-Game Time: 1:29:51.066
my 100% ruin run, now this run has been just the worst one ive had to do in any of the SB categories for me XD, i seem to have issues with bonnie bowls mini music men, Dennis can back me up, where some will just randonly stay up or spawn where ever. so when i entered the start of CHapter 7, i waited for the pinkish purple freddy icon, exited the game and restarted it in hope the game wouldnt mess me over, and if you watch youll see it still does for some reason. I spent so much time the last 5 days doing this run, total of over 21 hours....... yes 21...... and i just hope that this run will be approved cause the previous one i finished, got deleted or lost by twitch when i went a 1:27:31...... so what im saying is..... I pray this run if offical and I can move past this cursed run for me xD. I hope someone can understand my pain for this thing. CAUSE IT HAS BEEN BRUTAL......
Much love, Robot
Hi Everyone, Louie here!
As some of you are aware Ruin is finally out and and is an amazing Linear Experience!
Myself and the rest of the mods will be hard at work to get this board up and running. We have a couple of ideas as to what we can bring to the boards, and with the new Chapter Select mod