How to speedrun 30 Levels
How to speedrun 30 Levels
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: Karljakob

Before you start a run you have to go in a Level (you can go in every level you want to) and either die or win it. While the transition of winning or dieing plays you have to press pause in the up right corner. You can check if you performed the glitch by pressing resume. If you press resume and nothing happens you did it! Then you can start the run. You may notice, that in the first level the timer won't start. This is because of the jagged timer strat we did at the beginning (If you want to know how this works I will write it under the full explination of the run). Then the first 11 level are pretty easy. at most of the time you have to press the green things when the baal is the neares and let go when you think it's ok and at the blue things you just gotta press it as fast as possible and let it pressed untill the ball is out of range. In level 12 comes the gustav di vaughan (idk why Pob Nob named it like this) strat: press the orbit block as fast as possible and let it go at about 32/3 of the way to the other platform (I suggest learning this trick because it's pretty hard). For level 13 and 14 just press the orbit blobs when the ball is the nearest. In level 15 you do the p-pull strat that works like this: press the blue thing once but not at ful power, let go, do it again but at full power, press the orbut blob as fast as possible and then when the ball is nearly out of range of the second blue blob shoot it with full power (I also suggest learning tha ta few times). In level 16 just press the blobs when the ball is the nearest and let go when you think it's good. For level 17 press the up block 2 short times (somethimes 3). In level 18 hold the up blob when it's in the middle of the range. In level 19 you just hold both blobs untill they are out of range. Level 20 is a big one: For to up blob you just hold it as soon as it is in range , then for the other blobs the normal rules apply (blue: shoot with full power, orbit: hold when it's the nearest and let go when you think it's good). In level 21 you press the stop blob as late as possible. I think I don't need any explination for level 22 and 23 xD. in Level 24 comes the placeholder start that is is my oppinion the hardest one so I definitly suggest learning that a lot: instead of using the stop blob you use the orbit blob to cancle the ball momentum by clicking as short as you can. Level 25: press orbit when nearest, level 26: press stop after about 0,3 secs after entering range and pull the blue blob with full power after about 0,2 secs in range. In level 27 just press the up blob when the ball is about to go in the hole and dp the nprmal stuff with the orbit blob. Level 28 works by pressing the up blob when the ball just hit the ground and for the green blob just hit it when the ball is the nearest again. In level 29 you have to pull the ball with full power first, then hit the ball when it's nearest and then pull the ball with full power when it's under the blue blob and could reach he goal if it's pulled. In the final level there is no strat so far so I guess you know how to play it. GLHF speedrunning the 30 Levels category!

How the jagged timer works: in a transition the timer stops. So there is a variable that can be set on true and false. let's call it "contunue_time". While "continue_time" is on true the timer resumes. If it's on false tho it stops. At the start of every transition the var is set on false and at the end it's set on true. so If you go back to the menu while the var still is on false it won't change to true untill the next transition happens (at the start of the second level)

投稿日 1 year ago
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