Any% vs All Chapters/Good Ending Categories
4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

I noticed that, for the book 2 leaderboards, both of the submitted any% runs went for the good ending, in which, after collecting all the star shards and spheres, defeating Hardin unlocks the final few chapters of the game. In FE6, any% and all chapters are split into different categories, and in FE12 the only submitted run is submitted under all chapters rather than any%, since it goes for the good ending too. I'm just wondering if there's any particular reason that in FE3, all chapters is considered the "any%" here, when that feels incorrect, and also inconsistent with the series as a whole.

Kansas, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Probably just because that was the meta from the beginning and nobody wanted to bother to do a run that ends on chapter 20, since doing the good ending only ends about 10-20 minutes after that. The run, at least for English runners, doesn't seem popular enough for anyone to have tried or suggested otherwise but I'd imagine somewhere on nico or wherever that there are Japanese runners who have done a run that ends on chapter 20.
