Parts 2 and 3 completed in Patch 6.28. Part 1 completed ~4 months beforehand during 6.1 Trust MSQ contest, can be found on Twitch: .
The trusts acquitted themselves surprisingly well, Snowcloak and Keeper were on par with regular groups, even with a wipe in Snowcloak. Lost a little over 5 minutes queueing total, which as DPS I thought wasn't bad at all. Also clearly my PC cannot handle dragon fire nearly as well as Lucia.
Part 1 Trust bounty time: 8:58:03, plus about 17 seconds in between timer end and when I regained character control after the final 2.0 cutscene skips/rewards, so add 8:58:20 to the timer shown in parts 2/3 for the full time.
レベル: The Aery
レベル: The Limitless Blue (Hard)
レベル: Copperbell Mines (Hard)
レベル: The Singularity Reactor