Newbie Here
5 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hi All, I'm planning on practicing/starting a run for the zodiac age. Just wanted to know if there was any thing I should know about (tip/tricks and so on) and if there is a discord you may have. Thanks and look forward to this!


There's a link to the discord on the left, below the game icon. There's also the Guides section which has notes for the Seitengrat run at least, you may find useful stuff there.

KrisNaga これを好き

I really should checkout these Forums a bit more frequently. But yes, was W1ndows already pointed out, the easiest for you and us would be if you join the discord, we got all the stuff for TZA grouped up there. What I have to say, TZA itself is still pretty new to a lot of people, meaning that a lot of stuff can still be done, but not alot (if any) people are working on it. I really hope we can help you out in some way or another.

KrisNaga これを好き
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