Gary + Malphas Final Strat guide
Gary + Malphas Final Strat guide
更新済み 1 year ago 投稿者: Tegron

The final fight against Gary and Malphas is difficult at the beginning and requires practicing strategies before the speedrun, this video shows you quickly defeating Gary and Malphas and is a simpler method of fighting and saves time and I will explain the mechanics of the fight in turn

Phase 1: Gary

  • This fight requires practice but is simple to speedrun if you learn it

  • Gary has 2 attacks of which 1 can give in addition darkness, I recommend you learn the timing of the charge, this is also dependent on RNG, the charge on John is faster, if you are standing close then Gary will make it shorter, if you move away at the right moment you will not die, if you notice Gary standing longer then he will make 4 charge attacks in certain directions, this charge works that if you are in the given half of the location, Gary will change direction if Gary is on the left Gary will charge right at first, if left then right, you don't have to worry about dying from this, Gary gives darkness in some cases and it is recommended to stand still if you are far enough away from Gary and still dealing damage to him, do a circle as this is the only effective method and fast way to defeat Gary.

Phase 2: Gary + Malphas This fight is simple and quick, go to the very end on the right or left to damage Malphas because it is faster than Garry, if Gary and Malphas are standing next to each other in the right place, deal both of them damage, Garry's and Malphas' health are included in both, so it doesn't matter if you attack Garry and then Malphas, this method allows you to defeat Garry and Malphas in one cycle before performing Malphas' attack, it's better that Gary is from the left half of the location when moving to Phase 2 because of the charge attack I mentioned in Phase 1 works the same as the Malphas spawn method

Phase 3: The True Final BOSS You have plenty of time before the Final BOSS appears, it's better to go all the way to the left and deal damage from below, the upper part of the BOSS's sprite will not damage John as well as his claws, the BOSS after appearing will always fly from the right, after the 7th flight ( including the right and left sides) he will release a circle of skulls, then he will fly one more time and release a fireball, this one is easy to avoid, BOSS will move to the right side and start attacking him as much as you can, it is worth learning the timing when he starts flying in left side, then in the skull phase, attack the BOSS from the right side and go to the claws position, the claws sprite will not attack John, but you cannot be close to the BOSS, it also gives a greater chance, but not 100%, that the skull will fly at you after this attack, attack him all the time, the BOSS will start giving a circle of fire, so you have to defeat the BOSS in a tight circle, if you have damaged him enough like in the video and you continue attacking him before the circle appears, he won't have time to create this circle, quickly approach the fire and burn him Gary's mother, it's better to do it from the side from which you are close to the fire.

Ruleset for Turbo Runs

Please note that the ruleset was updated for this category. It requires both keystrokes and FPS counter to be visible during runs. This helps during verification. A Guide is up for anyone who wants any help on getting that running. If you notice you have FPS counter displayed in-game but it's no

1 year ago
投稿日 3 years ago
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