Known Problems with 100%
1 year ago
United States

Now that our little community seems to be growing, we should open up and talk about the problems with 100%. Mostly the issue with getting to the sacred area.

The sacred area contains a unique fish to complete the marine guide, a stone marker, as well as just being it's own thing to complete the message board. So it's hard to eliminate so much from the category.

The problem is, I think it is impossible to get there without using the dolphin suit. The depths are too much, and your health just gets destroyed with anything else, and the 3 Minute Suit + Accelerator only gets you about half-way.

The dolphin suit is acquired from raising the hotel rating, which is RNG but not really an issue. The biggest problem is getting the Hotel plans. You get them from Iron Natalie for picking up the 4-Ton truck in the Ferry and showing it to her. In order to do this you need 8500 HP, and I'm pretty certain that HP is raised by total dive time.

You can easily do everything else required for 100% way before the total dive time is long enough to reach 8500 HP. So the category would devolve into doing everything, waiting around underwater for awhile, then RNG hotel to finish. This is far less competitive and not fun.

Looking for suggestions on how to shape the category. Obviously finding a way to do the well without the dolphin suit would be the best option - as we can just eliminate building the hotel from the category requirements. Or do we say everything except the sacred area?

What does everyone else think?

Shizuoka, Japan

As long as the name of the category is 100%, it does not seem like a good rule to exclude certain elements. (Regardless of competitiveness or RNG issues)

If you are going to exclude a sanctuary, I think it would be better to have another category.

(I don't plan to do EB2 speedrun for a while, so I'll leave the rules development to those who plan to run categories other than Any% in the future.)

Second vote for having a "completionist" category. I say leave the 100% in place in case anyone wants to run it and make another one with the changes.
