投稿日 3 months ago 投稿者:

Since I became a mod, I have made some changes to categories and the way LRT is timed and I thought it was necessary to list out changes that are already implemented and are going to be implemented. Make sure to join the discord: https://discord.gg/wcy6jYh6e7

New full game category Glass% which involves collecting the Stained Glass egg from the RPO event.

New level category, Mega Corp. Starts at the frame of movement and ends when the quiz is completed. To get to Mega Corp, you have to join https://www.roblox.com/games/1445193885/Office-of-Creators-Ready-Player-One and walk backwards into a portal (which can be done on any account).

Full game any% runs are now timed differently, from the frame Booker's text appears to the frame Aymors egg is collected.

All runs now include milliseconds, still have to retime most runs however.

Festival of eggs now ends the frame the word "you" appears completely in the egg collection message (most consistent way to time it).

Full game 43 egg runs now require you to go through the Eggcyclopedia at the end of the run to verify you have collected all required eggs, not included in final time.

投稿日 10 months ago 投稿者:

There's been a massive boost in activity lately, and not a lot of ways to communicate between runners, so naturally we made a discord. Feel free to join if you run the game, or if you're just interested in watching! https://discord.gg/wcy6jYh6e7

New changes

Since I became a mod, I have made some changes to categories and the way LRT is timed and I thought it was necessary to list out changes that are already implemented and are going to be implemented. Make sure to join the discord:

New f

3 months ago
投稿日 2 years ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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