Small Timing Change
6 years ago
Texas, USA

I'm making a slight timing change because after having verified a number of runs, I don't like where the timer ends cause it makes splitting inconsistent.

Old timing: Timing ends upon Mickey opening the blue door after you obtain your 8th shard.

New timing: Timing ends upon first full black frame after Mickey walks through the blue door after you obtain your 8th shard.

This will only add 1-2 seconds to the run, but it's for the sake of making things more consistent. As of 10/31/18, all runs will be timed this way. The current runs on the leaderboards will stay the way they are.

StarrlightSims これを好き
North Carolina, USA

So all future runs are at a 1-2 second disadvantage to existing runs? Seems cool. Seems like existing runs don't diminish in quality just because you retime them, and it makes only logical sense. But this is neato too.

Texas, USA

Yikes. I can feel the passive aggressiveness from over here.

Frankly, I didn't want to change any of the runs because I wanted to be lazy as the only active mod (the 2 supermods are actually one person with two accounts who gave me normal moderator access after I kindly asked them on Twitter, to which they told me they were quitting speedrunning altogether). Yes, I know that's not a good attitude, but I figured I could afford it with a game I only ever look at to moderate runs for.

I was going to type a nice wordy paragraph on why those 1-2 seconds don't matter too much at the moment and if it became an issue I would retime all the runs, but in reality, there's only 7 runs anyways, and only one of them had to be retimed to begin with (which was the current WR, +1 second to it). The run has been adjusted accordingly.

投稿日 6 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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