2020 Olympian%
2020 Olympian%
更新済み 4 years ago 投稿者: Cheggjon

The Goal of this category is to obtain the Olympian rank

The general rule of thumb is to get as many coins or combined distance as possible in as few cycles as possible. Every thousand points you get an "Artifact" and the game ends after you collect all 6 of them. As long as you obtain all the required ranks before you get the last artifact you should be good, it is possible to continue playing after collecting the crown but in most categories it is slower to do so. Longer Categories like Omnipotent and Olympian are the exceptions.

The ranks in this game are based off how many combined meters you have traveled, it is advised you use the massive amounts of coins and other goodies that you will obtain to get golden boosts and partners from the shop. That part is up to the player, as only the boosts increase speed.

For this run you are allowed to have reached the end screen at any point of the run, as long as it has been hit at least once and you earn the crown.

投稿日 2 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago