Hey, im not sure if im reading the rules correctly but it says "Timing begins when title scene fade in black after click 'New Game' or 'O' button" so this lead me to believe the timer starts when the screen goes black once you've started the game. However, I've noticed other runs start the timer as soon as they press the New Game/O button. Could it be made a bit clearer which timer start is correct? And also if i need to add a second or two to my final time? Cheers!
I'm pretty sure you start the timer when you press the O button, but I don't know anything correctly, I'm just saying what I think is right. :)
The timer starts after pressing the button is correct. So adding some more seconds on your final time is reasonable I'm sorry that my bad English caused a misunderstanding of the rule
I see you press the O button at 0:28 in the video and start timing at 0:32 So your final time should be 1h 00m 37s
Hope you can understand this change on your record Also thanks for your asking!
No worries at all :) thanks for adjusting my time, just wanted to double check as the rules were a little confusing and I didn't want to have a faster time due to the misunderstanding