how are the runs timed?
i feel that the timing of runs rather than RTA should be IGT aswell, since the ingame time seems acurate.
"Time starts upon Start Level 1, and ends when the first screen loads after "Victory!" on stage 6."
I didn't really give the rules much thought at the time. I thought, since it's all stages, RTA was the way to go.
I guess we could switch to IGT. Let me get back to you on that one.
mitchpopo これを好き
sounds good, also, what about a discord or something for this game?
WanderingMind これを好き
There's no Discord since only me and another person ran the game. I didn't expect someone else to submit a run, haha. Anyway, you can shoot me a DM or two on Discord if you have any questions or stuff like that
mitchpopo これを好き