Any% in 2h 07m 42s by
Sub 17 Bay City. Decent Albion. "Our Man Crytpo" went pretty bad. Gojira fight went.. alright. Died in the first Solaris mission. AND 2 copyright strikes. Thank you Apezilla for the ID flying strat.

2h 07m 42s

# | 名前 | スプリット | 終了時間 |
1 | Furon Loathing in Bay City | 2m 42s 147ms | 2m 42s 147ms |
2 | Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? | 2m 42s 249ms | 5m 24s 396ms |
3 | They Shoot Hippies, Don't They? | 4m 08s 687ms | 9m 33s 083ms |
4 | The Alien Who Probed Me | 2m 18s 067ms | 11m 51s 150ms |
5 | The Guns of Alcatraz | 4m 49s 041ms | 16m 40s 191ms |
6 | No Pox Please - We're British | 4m 19s 874ms | 21m 00s 065ms |
7 | La Femme Natalya | 4m 33s 075ms | 25m 33s 140ms |
8 | From Russia with Guns | 5m 56s 945ms | 31m 30s 085ms |
9 | The Majestic File | 3m 49s 974ms | 35m 20s 059ms |
10 | On Natalya's Secret Service | 3m 53s 144ms | 39m 13s 203ms |
11 | Takoshima Story | 5m 25s 113ms | 44m 38s 316ms |
12 | Revenge of the Ninja | 5m 20s 301ms | 49m 58s 617ms |
13 | Dr. Go! | 5m 59s 422ms | 55m 58s 039ms |
14 | Our Man Crypto | 6m 05s 444ms | 1h 02m 03s 483ms |
15 | You Only Live 137 Times | 6m 29s 228ms | 1h 08m 32s 711ms |
16 | Kojira Kaiju Battle | 5m 06s 992ms | 1h 13m 39s 704ms |
17 | Back in the USSR | 5m 38s 735ms | 1h 19m 18s 439ms |
18 | The Siberian Job | 5m 23s 946ms | 1h 24m 42s 385ms |
19 | A Deadly Reaction | 6m 17s 509ms | 1h 30m 59s 894ms |
20 | A Hard Day's Fight | 2m 52s 504ms | 1h 33m 52s 398ms |
21 | The Comrade Who Came in from the Cold ゴールド | 5m 05s 401ms | 1h 38m 57s 799ms |
22 | The Good, the Bad, and the Furon ゴールド | 2m 22s 172ms | 1h 41m 19s 971ms |
23 | 1969: A Space Odyssey | 4m 22s 877ms | 1h 45m 42s 848ms |
24 | Russian Roulette | 3m 19s 405ms | 1h 49m 02s 253ms |
25 | Space: 1969 | 3m 32s 370ms | 1h 52m 34s 623ms |
26 | Destination Moon ゴールド | 5m 57s 120ms | 1h 58m 31s 743ms |
27 | Dark Side of the Moon ゴールド | 9m 11s 092ms | 2h 07m 42s 835ms |