Skips of all kinds
Skips of all kinds
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: 40wattrange

All Levels Initial Dialog Skip and faster text If you mash the buttons at the right time you can completely skip the first box of dialog. This may allow you to mash through the rest of the dialog boxes quicker as well. Discovered by BaconOmlette

Level 4 Ferris Wheel Skip Skip waiting for the ferris wheel by using the key blocks to reach the platform before they disappear Discovered by ZyphaL

Level 10 - World 1 Boss Third cycle hit is possible by having the barrel land on top of the enemy and player remaining under the blast Discovered by BaconOmlette

Level 18 You can spike jump to skip waiting for springs Discovered by Sxk

You can complete the puzzle with only 1 box and no key. Box skips discovered by BaconOmelette. Key skip discovered by 40wattRange.

Level 26 Canon momentum to skip over balloons Discovered by Lug Nut Larry

Level 29 - World 3 Boss Wall climb to reach keys easier. Strat is easier if you bounce off a balloon to get over the key blocks. Discovered by BaconOmlette

Level 31 (v1.0 only) Skip the final room by clipping into the wall/ground. At this time only Fowlst has a way to reach the child. The clip was naturally found through casual play via numerous people, but first reported by felipereis11011 BaconOmelette was the first to reach the child via any character.

Level 36 Skip the 2nd blue switch by jumping through flames Discovered by Sxk

Skip the 3rd blue switch by jumping through flames Discovered by Sxk

Skip 4th blue switch by pushing the box as you fall Discovered by BaconOmlette

Level 39 - World 4 Boss Early first hit to save 1 cycle Discovered by BaconOmlette
