Moderation Thread
6 years ago

CT Submission/Moderation Guidelines! See also: and

Hi everybody. We typically discuss leaderboard changes via Discord, so this thread is in the interest of keeping "major" changes transparent (and making sure all mods are up to speed). Here we can note any new change and its effects.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

New change: "Open leaderboard." All runners' submissions/edits will appear immediately on the board, with an "Unverified" tag until a mod sees it. As long as mods continue to respond regularly to notifications ( "New fullgame run in followed game"), false or erroneous submissions will be handled in a timely manner.

~~How it works: The board has a "Status" variable (the only possible value is "Unverified"), and it's set as Required. Mods can remove the "Unverified" tag from each run via these steps:

  1. Go to Edit Game (a separate tab works best)
  2. Un-check "Required" on the variable (this action applies instantly)
  3. Edit Run and re-Submit
  4. Re-check "Required"!~~
編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Avasam, blueYOSHI そして 2 その他 これを好き

Ok, the "Unverified" tag (created 2018-08-16) has been changed to "New". This is an optional tag, and it signals "please review / check for accuracy."

The "New" tag is not required when making submissions, but is highly recommended! Thanks.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago

CT Submission Guidelines (also for Moderators' reference ):

Verification is not required, but Mods WILL check for disqualifying conditions:

  • No "multi segment" runs. (If you decide to save your game and resume later, then you MUST also add the Real Time between sessions!) A submission with multiple videos is OK.
  • No casual runs. Demonstrate that speed is your intent. (The easiest way to do that is to please not ride the Telepod until Marle does.)
  • No ZSNES, no modifications, etc. (All other emulators/platforms are OK. See wiki for info/comparisons: )

Mods ALSO take responsibility for checking whether you (especially if you're new) have understood the following:

  1. The Video you submit must be a TWITCH HIGHLIGHT, or a YouTube. If you link a Twitch Past Broadcast, then we have less than 2 weeks to inform you to Highlight that, before the video is LOST (auto-deleted by Twitch). Sadly, a speedrunner could submit to multiple leaderboards, and never be informed of this mistake!
  2. The details of the requirements of the category. If you've made some small error in meeting the definition of the category, Mods must catch this as well in a timely manner, so that you can correct it for next time.
  3. The correct Start time for the category, meaning you did not start the timer late.
  4. The correct End time for the category. Please do not stop the Timer early. In fact, please just let your timer run a couple seconds long, rather than risking an early stop. NOTE: Nothing that happens to your timer can ever disqualify you. In the worst case, it only makes reviewing your time a bit more difficult. You don't even need a timer. And really, if your timer or splits go haywire, please don't even let it distract you; just keep playing your run!

Other advice (Moderator agreements):

  1. Apart from your Name, Video, and Turbo(Yes/No), the accuracy of other submission details isn't too important. Please set the "Unverified?" field to "New" in order to represent to leaderboard visitors that your new submission may not be 100% fully accurate.
  2. All runs are re-timed by Mods, so we don't expect you to provide an exact correct time. Just submit whatever LiveSplit shows. Mods check your exact start and end time, AND compare it with the length of your actual video.
  3. If you report a time that is off by only a second or two (and it does not impact your rank placement), then we may purposely NOT adjust it. (If your leaderboard time doesn't exactly match your post on YouTube/Twitter/Reddit/etc., watchers and historians alike may wonder whether you had achieved 2 PBs in succession, differing by a couple seconds. So, us making the adjustment is not necessarily beneficial.)
  4. Milliseconds are deleted in all categories except NG+. (How NG+ gets re-timed: Download the vid, open in MPC-HC, frame advance it to 1st frame of the run, and press Ctrl-G to get the time reading. Repeat for the final frame of the run. Resulting difference should be adjusted to the nearest frame, taking into account the FPS of the video, and then also rounded to the hundredth of a second.)

We also check other stuff at our discretion, or at the suggestion of other runners in the community. Because video is required, runs can obviously always be reviewed by anyone.

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
Hearn これを好き
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