More Catergories
5 years ago
United States

Would it be possible to add categories for Conquest and Spec. Ops? Give people more levels to run

United States

@TheRat, now that we have a new Mod, what are your thoughts on adding categories to complete all the conquest and spec ops levels?

EDIT: Also thank god someone took my record. I've been experimenting for a while that sub 1:15 is the new goal, but never had motivation to do it. Glad someone is making get up and commit those times to a video!

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
North Brabant, Netherlands

@leo0935xbl, do you mean a category in which you have to complete all the Conquest levels and not individual level runs? I think a category for all Conquest levels and a category for all Chronom levels is a good idea. I don't think individual level runs is the way to go. I don't want to add a category without runs tho, so if you or anyone else has done a run i will add the category. Put a message here or send me a private message here or on discord so i can add the category and you can submit the run.

Or do you have a different opinion?

leo0935xbl これを好き
United States

Yah, I was thinking a full run of all levels in each section, not ILs.

I haven't recorded a run yet since the category doesn't exist and didn't know if it was going to ever be a thing. Since you are open to it, I'll let you know when I have a run available and the category can be created at that time. Thanks for the consideration!

投稿日 2 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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