Leaderboard is now Live
3 years ago
Virginia, USA

The embargo is over and the Crash 4 Leaderboard is now LIVE!

The categories that exist at the moment are Any%, All Clear Gems, and 106% as main categories, and All Timelines, 100%, and All Platinum Flashback Tapes as miscellaneous categories. These were the most commonly requested categories. We are willing to move around what is and isn't misc. depending on how things pan out, but we believe this is a good starting point.

The load remover is still in development, but a lot of progress has been made on it. We aren't quite ready to roll it out yet, so in the meantime the board will be timed RTA. After the load remover is released we will require LiveSplit with the load remover running be visible in your video submission, as is the case with both NST and CTRNF.

Until the load remover is out, we HIGHLY recommend that you do not cover or obscure your game feed with anything (such as webcam, transparent splits, etc.) Doing so runs the risk of your VoD not being able to be retimed.

With that said, please enjoy the leaderboard! If you want to stay up to date with the game and community I highly suggest joining the community Discord server, linked on the side.

woahscape そして PeteThePlayer これを好き