New categories?
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

Hey, could we get the rest of the chapters added as categories, as well as a full story mode run? Or would that require a run already being completed?


Imaproshaman, slippy318, そして GameguySD これを好き
Oregon, USA

I was gonna ask if the Chapters could be in an IL section since imo it looks better, but ik that moving things like that isn't easy. Though I could help if needed.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Colorado, USA

I would make use of the level leaderboard for individual chapters, and leave the level leaderboard as the default view until an any% run is completed, then switch that over once it is. The speedrunning community is honestly getting so much more talented as a whole, and it's only a matter of time before somebody tackles this.

If you like that idea and would like help shifting things around, I'd be happy to point you in the right direction.

Imaproshaman これを好き
Oregon, USA

I could help make the categories if need be. I have the experience and free time. For example, I took all the Bouncy Ball runs and moved them from Full Game to IL's.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago

Is this going to be updated past the first 2 chapters any time soon?

Colorado, USA

Hatador doesn't seem to be inactive, even though his most recent runs are 10 months ago. He was last online 15 hours ago, but he has never been active in the forums for this game. Also no social links connected to his account, so there's no good way to contact him as far as I know.

I've not run the game, but I know the game and I know the site and they're such easy changes. If we don't get a response here I wouldn't mind poking around to find the right people to upkeep the game and I'd be willing to advise whoever that is on setting up the board.

Oregon, USA

I'm friends with Hatador on Steam, I could try there. I've really wanted to port the levels to the IL section. I have the time.


Hey guys, first of all thanks to Imaproshaman for contacting me on Steam, and sorry for my absence. Basically, unlike my other followed games, where I receive notifications for forums posts, runs awaiting verification and everything else, on Cloudberry Kingdom, I was only receiving notifications to validate the runs, so this forum went unnoticed. I have no idea why it happened and I don't want this to happen again so I'm probably gonna add another mod.

About the new categories, I added a "individual chapters" and a "story mode" category. I think it's pretty well displayed right now, idk what you guys think of it, feel free to propose other things.


Thanks for updating the page, much appreciated. If story mode is to the end of 240, where I know the game spits you back to the chapter select screen, would "Any%" be up to 318? I think it shoots you back as well. And any reason why not to include the xbox 360 version as well? I don't know if the versions are too terribly different but maybe someone else knows better. Aside from that it all looks good.


The total number of level is 320, so this could be the "100%" category, but the "true" last level is considered by many to be 318 because 1) there is actually a different level transition when you finish this level, like when we beat a chapter and 2) level 319 and 320 are practically impossible (around 5 people beat them) so I don't think anyone will submit a 100% run because that would take like 15h. But yeah, I could add a 318lvl category but first someone gotta finish the 240lvl category because it's already long and hard enough ^^

I also don't know if the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U versions have particularities such as longer loading time, but yeah I should include all the other versions and see if there's differences if someone sends a run on one of these platforms

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Oregon, USA

This is all great news!

投稿日 5 years ago
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