B-Side Speedruns?
6 years ago
Washington, USA

Is anyone considering doing speedruns of just the b-side levels? Been considering doing one myself. Haven't seen them pop up yet and I was surprised it wasn't already a category.


There are B-side ILs.

If you mean a full game run that includes B-sides, the lack of a category is mainly due to nobody having done it. Do the thing and a category will probably get made.

Washington, USA

I meant a run of all the B-side levels consecutively. Seemed like a fun challenge! I might make a run, then for fun.

JoySparx そして CKlidify これを好き
Kentucky, USA

I was actually thinking of the same thing. I wouldn't mind doing a run of that, or at least B-Side Summit.

RDM これを好き
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